I handmake alot of birthday invitations and therefore end up with lots and lots of envelopes and am not always certain what to do with them. Today I decided to get creative. The kids and I came up with these little guys. They are simple and perfect if you have kids in the preschool age range. My kids are one, two and three, and this was perfect for my older two. They had a blast and as messy as my middle child is, he really didn't make too much of one.
All you need is foam shapes (I bought mine from Michaels), glue and a colorful array of envelopes. I let them each make about six, and it only took about fifteen minutes.
Easter is coming up in a couple weeks, and daddy's birthday only a week from today. We will be puting our handmade cards to daddy, grandparents and friends into these.
Cant wait to try this one with my guys. These are so cute!